today is the 1st time me & hubby buka puasa together..sedih kan, because i'm working on staggered shift, i just cant be with him all the time that a wife supposed to be...and i seldom cook for him... and yet he never complaint, and always smile at me and make me laugh, ( thanks honey!).so we went to CITITEL for our buka puasa. actually we planned to go to to sunway hotel but unfortunately the restaurant was fully booked, and our plan was the last minute one.tapi kat cititel pon ok jugak laaa....mostly food melayu + kambing panggang ! yummy!.by the way, my pregnancy progress..? rase mcm dah tak dizzy² sgt or nausea..but what i did notice:lately my nausea came macam selang sehari, hari ni ok gile..esok lembik gile (konpius)my gum pon selalu berdarah, especially masa gosok gigi ( refer buku, die kate normal, so ok lah tak risau..hehe)selera makan, still tak naik lagi..(except today).. for the past 5 days, my buka puasa at theoffice, just makan nestum + roti canai ( 1/2 keping) + air, and sahur koko krunch.
The other day when i went to see Dr Ang, my weight was arouund 43.8 kg, but Dr didnt comment anything, so i supposed it's ok... ( even though sume suruh saye mkn byk²).rase tu je kot... btw, kalau ikut the book that i read currently, this week ( 11th) sepatutdah boleh tau the baby sex. maybe i'll make appointment after raye.. rase nak jumpe Dr siti pulak...( hehe)
7 comments on "ramadhan post"
Faie!! yes..akhirnya ko blog..mcm tu caranya..add aku k dlm list ur friend's blog. best. boleh baca perkembangan diri ko. yes..ko add budak2 ni gak.
yay faie ade blog!!
faie..baby's sexual organ may be developing but you can only know the sex of the baby at around 5 months, at which time you will have your detail scan (scan each the organs to see if they are ok)
faie..ringan gile ko boleh?hehe...
faie! kenyang ke ko bukak pose tuh..tak nampak aku shopping bukak pose cane..hehe, malu i~
nanti aku add dlm fren's list tu
aku mcm slow² lagi blog nih
tu la kalau nak tgk skrng pon mcm
kecit sgt lagi baby, lps raye
baru aku punye next appointmnt
aku kenyang gile..lepas solat sbg makan lagi..hehe. haha..ko
shopping bukak pose kt pasar ramadhan ke
gila lah faie makan tu je bukak puasa?aku yg jauh ni pun bersungguh2 masak nak bukak puasa sebab nafsu mkn mcm melimpah2.hehe..tapi last2 ada jugak la yg termembazir.nak buat cane duduk sorang2.
bestnya dah pregnant!nanti dah tau sex baby dont forget to tell me ok?
faizah! biasela aku lmbt lg ni..baru tau ko dah blogging skang..huhu..nanti bleh tukar2 cerite :)
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