i am 11 weeks pregnant now. i just realized that i am pregnant on week 10 ( which is last week)when hubby asked me to do home test.after that 2 lines appeared, my tears just burst out, tak tau nak describe feeling macam mane, bercampur aduk...but my hubby, senyum sampai telinge..then on the next few days, i went to SJMC to confirm the test.managed to see the gynae by the name of Dato' Dr Ang ( a male Dr.)Dr Ang did the test on me, and he said ' ok, confirm u're pregnant' ( comel la dr. ni)and just advice me not to do this and that, walk slowly, dont run, and so onand i did asked him, whether if i work on shift, will it effect my health and baby..and he told me its ok to work on shift ( shift that i'm talking about some time drag me till 12 am).
attached is the pic of my baby ( scanned by Dr Ang)menitik air mate bile tengok heart beat my baby...and baby dah 2.86 cm( bestnye)
2 comments on "a new family member.."
paie..jangan lari2..ko suke lari2 tau
wow baby u dah besar
bfore aku tau pregnant, mmg aku still lari², alhamdulillah
tak jadi ape². skrng mmg aku jage
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