September 5, 2008

early pregnancy

since i just knew that i'm pregnant on the 10th weeks, i'm hardly remember what are the early symptoms that i had on my early pregnancy..
ade la rase sikit² dizzy...nausea (takde)..morning sickness pon takde (alhamdulillah)
kalau bau² yang sensitive pon tak berape sangat, just i tak boleh bau yang wangi²
(macam perfume, or body lotion)- so i changed my body lotion to the nivea cream
( ni je boleh)

perfume? tak pakai langsung..hehe
but since dah confirm pregnant hari tu, baru la nak start dizzy + nausea sikit²
especially on the afternoon, and late night ( tak tau kenape)...
and rase memang mcm terrible sikit, but still alhamdulillah mine is still the minor one
wondering how my mother can survive those situations with 8 kids.. (love u mak!)
my appetite pulak, yes it does changed, where i'm a lil bit crazy for pizza hut
dalam 1 week 4 kali pegi makan pizza ( nasib baik hubby ikut je)
and i cant eat spicy food anymore!! tak melake la anak mama ni ! !
nak makan tibe² yang lemak², yang kicap takpon rendang (sebijik selera hubby)
sambal goreng my mom bagi, tak boleh sentuh langsung, padehal before this, tak boleh makan
without the sambal.
i've read few books lately about pregnancy. since i did missed those lovely 10 weeks time,
i jut got to know that within this 10 weeks my baby had developed few things such as:

1. the spine, brain, heart, muscles and bones were formed (misti comel kan, kecit)-week 5
2. baby has a well defined head &body. lim buds are appearing where the arms & legs will
develop and minuscule buds for milk teeth are forming in baby's jaw - week 6
3. tiny lips and nostrils appear,and eyes are visible under the skin. baby's lungs have also
developed their on airways - week 7
4. all baby's internal organs have been developed. the face becoming more recognisably human
the baby measures just 2.5 cm long from head to bottom - week 8
5. baby's arms and toes are all growing longer and already baby cab move individual limbs
( best nye) week 9
6. starting to look more human. eyelids have fused over baby's developing eyes,
and tiny wrists, ankles, fingers and toes are clearly defined. and also the brain continues
to grow rapidly ( bentuk die dah sempurna by now, amiin) - week 10

such a unique process Allah created for and embryo

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