Maybe i'm too buzy. So here are few updates of us lately .
Hari Raya
This year we celebrated our raya first time together. Tapi tak banyak preparation, since I am to tired due to my pregnancy- 4 hari tinggal puasa ( sayang je rase ). And we did celebrated raya in KL ( since my PIL ) baru balik Umrah and decided to celebrate raya in KL before they went back to Kelantan the Hometown. So all my In Laws decided not to went back to Kelantan this year.
Then on the Malam Raya we slept at my Parents', and after Solat Raye we went to my In-Laws' place. Then patang sikit we headed back to Malaka, my hometown ( nak jugak balik Melaka). Rasa nyesal pulak tak captured banyak pictures, sebab memang tak larat sangat. Hopefully next year Raya, we can celebrate to the fullest plus the new family member nanti ( InsyaAllah)

My Pregnancy
During Raya, I am around 15 weeks Preggy, so no heavy dizziness and nausea tapi rasa letih
and tak berapa boleh nak makan banyak-banyak jugak. However everything went ok
My Workplace
I never mentioned anything about my job previously. I can tell that it is quite
a hectic workplace (Call Centre). Dealing with customers on the phones.
Ada yang soooo nice, tapi ada yang sangat-sangat mencabar kesabaran.
But at the end of the day, satisfaction is the most important thing. Sometimes i do feel like quitting my job, tapi once dapat fulfill customer needs, rasa macam puas sangat. Sometimes bila dapat Complement Letter from customer, rasa kepuasan
yang to the max (disamping dapat voucher from Boss). I can tell that working in Call Centre is very challenging and interesting. Semalam dengar berita Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi made an announcement that kerja kosong untuk Call Centre the whole Malaysia ada 60, 000 vacancies (macam tak boleh imagine).
Oh hari tu My Boss did told me that I've been selected to be promoted as a Team Leader effective November. Unfortunately, i need to declined it since as a
Team Leader memang kena stay on shift. Tapi next year i nak deliver dah.
And Hubby pon dah cakap kalau dah deliver tak boleh stay on shift. I pon memang taknak kerja shift. I want to have full attention to my future babies.. (senyum)
2 comments on "The Updates"
faie..tahniah, ko mmg sesuai jadi ketua derang2 tuh (walaupon aku tak kenal derang)
teringat lak ko zaman2 purchasing manager dulu..ingat tak?
ingat sgt!! letih gile. tapi yg team lead ni aku dah decline. so memang takkan jadi
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