Today Hannah demam, me taking EL
and we already terminated the nursery service -
Last friday when i took Hannah from nursery ada kesan lebam kena cubit on her cheek
I dunno whether the baby sitter or the kids but i'm not going to take any risk.
We' re staying at my parents' biar atuk + nenek jaga Hannah baru sennag hati mama+papa nak work
Muah Hannah + Papa
July 20, 2009
July 16, 2009
Hannah & Papa
Since hubby is away and we missed him so much so the entry will be about Hannah and Papa.
Hubby moved to Kerteh for his new job, so we will be seeing him twice a month, except for this month it will be once a week.
Since he arrived in Kerteh, asik call tanya Hannah je....Papa rindu Hannah sangat.
Luckily Hannah behave giler, die duk diam je....tengok tv, main toys and sometimes i bacekan books kat die.
Since me working in staggered shift, dulu-dulu kalau yang i keje malam, hubby will take care of Hannah, so sometimes he understands hannah more than me..huhu
but now i guess kalau i keje sampai malam, hannah kene duduk nursery or at my parents'

*pic ni masa hannah 2 hari
Hubby moved to Kerteh for his new job, so we will be seeing him twice a month, except for this month it will be once a week.
Since he arrived in Kerteh, asik call tanya Hannah je....Papa rindu Hannah sangat.
Luckily Hannah behave giler, die duk diam je....tengok tv, main toys and sometimes i bacekan books kat die.
Since me working in staggered shift, dulu-dulu kalau yang i keje malam, hubby will take care of Hannah, so sometimes he understands hannah more than me..huhu
but now i guess kalau i keje sampai malam, hannah kene duduk nursery or at my parents'
*pic ni masa hannah 2 hari
* weight dah naik - 5.2 kg ( dulu mase birth, 2.66 )
* dah boleh lift head tinggi, kalau orang pegang tangan or datang depan die misti buat camtu nak suruh orang angkat
* still fully breastfeed
* dah pandai gelak besar & selalu senyum lebar ( even to strangers )
* slalu ikut we main bowling
* suke ikut kitorang keluar shopping, kalau duk rumah je misti die nak meragam
* slalu mumble sorang-sorang ( kalau pagi die yang kejut we bangun tdo )
* slalu jugak ajak kitorang borak-borak ( kalau die borak misti muke excited yang angkat eyebrow tuh )
* dah tak nangis kuat sangat kalau lapar
* dah tdo malam lame without frequent feeding
* suke sangat tengok tv ( esp animax + channel 811 )
* dah boleh pusing mengiring, tapi belum boleh meniarap sendiri
* excited kalau tunjuk toys + buku depan die
* tapi hannah kalau nangis, misti bunyi sedih gile yang air mate keluar laju..i pon rase nak nangis kalau tengok die nangis
* to name a few lah...ade yang i lupe
that's all for now
June 4, 2009
Hannah & Dodo
Hannah ada new friend skarang, we call it Dodo...
She's so excited bila main dengan Dodo.... tangan, kaki sume gerak-gerak
Kadang-kadang tido pon Dodo yang teman

Hannah sibuk main dengan Dodo
Tapi kalau bab posing, Hannah memang terrer...tak pedulik Dodo dah
She's so excited bila main dengan Dodo.... tangan, kaki sume gerak-gerak
Kadang-kadang tido pon Dodo yang teman
Tapi kalau bab posing, Hannah memang terrer...tak pedulik Dodo dah
May 6, 2009
cuaca & botol susu
mengapa baby ku taknak minum susu bottle dah?
mama nak start keje dah....
April 16, 2009
the latest hannah
Hannah belum 1 month pon lagi...her development pon tak banyak sgt
But we're still happy.....
She will nangis kuat² kalau lapar...takde toleransi punye
dah boleh angkat² kepale sikit ( kepala dia pon dah kuat and tegak )
dah diam kalau mandi ( provided die kenyang)
and akan diam kalau nak 'poop'
kalau die senyum mase tdo, meaning die dah lena, so leh tinggal die
kalau jalan pegi shopping, she will sleep all the way (best kot air-cond)
dah boleh buat suara sikit² communicate with us ( very little)
dah pandai minum my milk dalam bottle
and dah besar sket badan die !!
we love u baby !!
p/s: video kat bawah tu, die tengah smile mase tido
April 2, 2009
Here goes the story on the day Baby Hannah was born . . . .
Actually, my EDD is on 30th March, but my mom told me to be ready 2 weeks earlier because of our family history, selalu bersalin awal 2 weeks. and on 12th Mar we went to Dr Siti's clinic for our regular check up, Dr told us that kepala baby tak engage lagi, but it almost there. So on 17.03.09
around 2.45 am - i terjage and rase macam my panties basah sikit, i woke up hubby and suruh die tengok, he said biase² je and asked me to sleep and of course, die pon nak tido..On that time, me tak rase sakit ape² pon. but i just woke up and packing my things, just in case. then i went to sleep.Tapi time ni dah tido² ayam (almaklumlah takut terberanak), sempat message my office mate to replace my shift since hubby cakap morning nanti nak pergi hospital to verify.
around 6 am - again i terjage, rase panties macam tak basah, and tak rase sakit pon. So i decided to wake up and pergi office, since my officemate tak reply message. So bile bangun, again i tengok my panties macam ade air² sikit, tapi kali nih nampak macam chocolate stain.So again i asked hubby, 'nampak macam darah tak?' he said no, and nak continue tido lagi !!!!
around 6.15 am - i just woke up from katil and nak pergi toilet for mandi....jeng jeng jeng mase nih tibe² blood laju je turun sampai menitik² kene lantai...ape lagi dengan penuh gabra, terus kejut hubby.this time die terus bangun and ask me to siap².
around 6.45 am - We already in the car to go to Sime Darby Med Ctr (SDMC).Tapi on the way tu singgah mamak kejap makan roti canai + milo tarik ( sedap).after that we terus gerak to hospital, luckily school holiday and jalan tak jam (pandai Hannah timing).
around 7.30 am - We arrived at SDMC labour room.the nurses asked me to go straight to labour suite.on that time pulak, my Dr Siti baru je nak balik lepas tengok 1 of her patient (sian Dr, baru nak balik, sorang lagi patient masuk pulak)
around 8 am - The nurse (ms thevika) check i just dilated 3 cm and kepala baby dah engaged. and to our suprise, my contraction was every 7 minutes ( tapi mase nih still tak rase pain). so nurse thevika said, i memang dah kene warded to deliver today. fuh terus gabra..and we start messaginf our friends and officemate.
around 9 am - Dr Siti sampai, and asked me nak pecah water bag or nak wait je sampai air semua pecah sendiri...i've decided to pecahkan, malas nak tunggu lame². mase nih dah bace macam² doa and ade satu doa my mom bagi suruh amalkan, disamping minum air selusoh. Mase Dr pecahkan air ketuban, hubby is not around pegi uruskan my admission. Dr siti masukkan stick ape ntah to pecah my water bag, then suddenly i rase i berlambak² keluar. then nurse pon bagi i ubat untuk keluarkan berak sume...
around 10 am - my contraction was every 4 minits ( still ok tak rase pain)
around 11 am - my contraction still same and tak dilate lagi (remain 3 cm) tapi dah start rase sakit² + nangis² sket dah.
around 11.30 am - my contraction dah selalu sangat + dah sakit sgt ( so we mintak the injection) sorry tak ingat name injection tuh, but basically die bagi i high nak tido so tak rase sakit sgt. mase nih dah dilete 4 cm
around 12.30 noon - even dah amik injection still rase the pain ( pain tu macam period pain) tapi berganda² ( kali 8 ke 9 ). so sebab tak tahan sgt, we nak mintak epidural. so when nurse checked i dah dilate 8 cm (cepat giler, padanla sakit tak tahan). so because dah more than 5 cm i tak boleh ambik epidural...kene tahan sakit gile tuh
around 1.30 pm - i'm fully dilated and the time has come (bile rase nak berak maknenye nak dekat beranak). so nurse terus prepare for my delivery and start la drama pushing². Ya rabbi sakit gile nak push tuh boleh???
around 2.30 pm - me still pushing dengan iringan pasukan sorak nurses + hubby. penat gile sampai takde suare. at last nurse panggil dr untuk vacuum ( tak larat sgt dah)
2.50 pm - finally, we met our baby hannah....dengan bantuan vacuum ... :)
more updates soon
picture pon nantila..tak sempat upload lagi
Actually, my EDD is on 30th March, but my mom told me to be ready 2 weeks earlier because of our family history, selalu bersalin awal 2 weeks. and on 12th Mar we went to Dr Siti's clinic for our regular check up, Dr told us that kepala baby tak engage lagi, but it almost there. So on 17.03.09
around 2.45 am - i terjage and rase macam my panties basah sikit, i woke up hubby and suruh die tengok, he said biase² je and asked me to sleep and of course, die pon nak tido..On that time, me tak rase sakit ape² pon. but i just woke up and packing my things, just in case. then i went to sleep.Tapi time ni dah tido² ayam (almaklumlah takut terberanak), sempat message my office mate to replace my shift since hubby cakap morning nanti nak pergi hospital to verify.
around 6 am - again i terjage, rase panties macam tak basah, and tak rase sakit pon. So i decided to wake up and pergi office, since my officemate tak reply message. So bile bangun, again i tengok my panties macam ade air² sikit, tapi kali nih nampak macam chocolate stain.So again i asked hubby, 'nampak macam darah tak?' he said no, and nak continue tido lagi !!!!
around 6.15 am - i just woke up from katil and nak pergi toilet for mandi....jeng jeng jeng mase nih tibe² blood laju je turun sampai menitik² kene lantai...ape lagi dengan penuh gabra, terus kejut hubby.this time die terus bangun and ask me to siap².
around 6.45 am - We already in the car to go to Sime Darby Med Ctr (SDMC).Tapi on the way tu singgah mamak kejap makan roti canai + milo tarik ( sedap).after that we terus gerak to hospital, luckily school holiday and jalan tak jam (pandai Hannah timing).
around 7.30 am - We arrived at SDMC labour room.the nurses asked me to go straight to labour suite.on that time pulak, my Dr Siti baru je nak balik lepas tengok 1 of her patient (sian Dr, baru nak balik, sorang lagi patient masuk pulak)
around 8 am - The nurse (ms thevika) check i just dilated 3 cm and kepala baby dah engaged. and to our suprise, my contraction was every 7 minutes ( tapi mase nih still tak rase pain). so nurse thevika said, i memang dah kene warded to deliver today. fuh terus gabra..and we start messaginf our friends and officemate.
around 9 am - Dr Siti sampai, and asked me nak pecah water bag or nak wait je sampai air semua pecah sendiri...i've decided to pecahkan, malas nak tunggu lame². mase nih dah bace macam² doa and ade satu doa my mom bagi suruh amalkan, disamping minum air selusoh. Mase Dr pecahkan air ketuban, hubby is not around pegi uruskan my admission. Dr siti masukkan stick ape ntah to pecah my water bag, then suddenly i rase i berlambak² keluar. then nurse pon bagi i ubat untuk keluarkan berak sume...
around 10 am - my contraction was every 4 minits ( still ok tak rase pain)
around 11 am - my contraction still same and tak dilate lagi (remain 3 cm) tapi dah start rase sakit² + nangis² sket dah.
around 11.30 am - my contraction dah selalu sangat + dah sakit sgt ( so we mintak the injection) sorry tak ingat name injection tuh, but basically die bagi i high nak tido so tak rase sakit sgt. mase nih dah dilete 4 cm
around 12.30 noon - even dah amik injection still rase the pain ( pain tu macam period pain) tapi berganda² ( kali 8 ke 9 ). so sebab tak tahan sgt, we nak mintak epidural. so when nurse checked i dah dilate 8 cm (cepat giler, padanla sakit tak tahan). so because dah more than 5 cm i tak boleh ambik epidural...kene tahan sakit gile tuh
around 1.30 pm - i'm fully dilated and the time has come (bile rase nak berak maknenye nak dekat beranak). so nurse terus prepare for my delivery and start la drama pushing². Ya rabbi sakit gile nak push tuh boleh???
around 2.30 pm - me still pushing dengan iringan pasukan sorak nurses + hubby. penat gile sampai takde suare. at last nurse panggil dr untuk vacuum ( tak larat sgt dah)
2.50 pm - finally, we met our baby hannah....dengan bantuan vacuum ... :)
more updates soon
picture pon nantila..tak sempat upload lagi
March 23, 2009
the arrivals of baby Hannah

Wow !!!!
its been so long that i havent update this blog.
By the way, just to update on the arrivals of our precious baby 'hannah' to the world ;
Full name: Hannah Balqis Binti Khairul Izham
D.O.B : 17th March 2009
Time : 1450 pm
Location : Sime Darby Med Centre
Weight : 2.66 kg
Lenght : 40.50 cm
We love you Baby Hannah
Mama & Papa
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